Prayer in Light of Eternity
With much gratitude, my friend Kerry Plantz has prepared this article on prayer. I love the transparency she extends by sharing her story. Your comments as always are welcome. Conversation is a vital part of the human experience. To share life together we must communicate with one another, and the more often we do this, the closer we become. Through communication we can be known by the listener, and we are able to know others more deeply and intimately. Your usual blogger, Rhonda, has shared conversations with me and through that relationship we have learned we both have a deep love for Jesus, and both enjoy writing. She has asked me if I would be willing to write and share some of my thoughts with you. What an honor this is for me to enter into your space and become a little known, and hopefully offer a bit of hope and encouragement in the sharing. My name is Kerry, and I grew up in Seattle, Washington ...