He Restores My Soul

       This morning as I was engaged in my Bible study, I had a feeling of uneasiness that I was participating in a shallow engagement with God’s Word.  I longed for a deeper connection with God than I was allowing myself to experience.  I had completed and shared my Homily with those who I try to encourage daily, and I headed for the shower feeling less than successful in my engagement with God.  Have you ever recognized when your time of devotion has failed to feed your hungry soul?   

     I believe that each day God wants to take us on a journey with Him, to know Him, to draw close to Him, and to restore our souls.  In some way, I try to experience a daily change of heart, as I renew my mind with Scriptures; so naturally when I do not feel it, I know my encounter has been shallow.  I stepped into the shower to divert my attention and I prayed for a deeper and richer encounter with God.  I decided there that I would return to the same passage that had been laid before my eyes and allow His Spirit to do what only He can do, restore my soul.  My morning Homily was “Be Not Carried Away with the Error of Lawless People," was based on 2 Peter 3:11-12, 17-18.   Originally as I highlighted these passages, I made note of two phrases, ‘what sort of people ought you to be in lives of holiness and godliness,’ (v. 11) and ‘take care that you are not carried away with the error of lawless people and lose your own stability' (v.17).  In reading those two phrases, I knew that there was much, much more the Holy Spirit wished to say if I would only allow Him to speak into my heart.

     The passages I was assigned to read today came from the book of Isaiah (57-59), Psalm (103), and 2 Peter (3).  Generally speaking, as I read, the passages tie together in such a way that I extract something from all selections, not just one specific clause or phrase.  Still lingering in my mind was an End Times documentary that I watched last evening and their emphasis on what the prophets and wise men had to say.  I decided to return to the three chapters assigned for my reading in the book of Isaiah, and this is what I found to be extremely helpful to draw me deeper into Scriptures.  I decided to take this passage and translate it into my own language.    

     When I was in high school, one of my dear friends gave me a book as a graduation present.  It was called “Come Away My Beloved” by Frances J. Roberts.  From a book review I’ve read, “This book shares the ministering spirit of the heavenly Father to those in need of encouragement, hope, comfort, and conviction.”  What I loved most about this book is the way it was written from a first-person perspective as though God were speaking directly to me.  This was where I wanted to meet with God today, as though He were speaking directly to me.  Rather than first-person perspective, I have written my observation to Isaiah 57-59 in the second-person perspective using the word 'you,' with my own interpretation, as I offered my study to the guidance of  God's Spirit within me.  Here is a little excerpt that I wrote as I observed what was written in Isaiah 57-59.

Observation – God Is Speaking to His People:

     You are hanging out with the wrong kind of people.  You are mocking Me.  You give the appearance of being holy, your practices resemble devotion, yet your sacrifices and rituals are without meaning.  I can see into your heart.  You’ve become so connected to the world that you do not even recognize the idols that you worship, but you do.  You’ve been led astray.  Even though chasing things of the world (honor, wealth, property, significance) has wearied you, you continue to pursue them.  You believe lies, and you have become a good liar too.  I find no pleasure in this behavior.  I have withheld my wrath for a long-long time. 

     My Son, Jesus, inhabits eternity, and He will revive the lowly in spirit and restore the person who repents of their wrongdoings with a contrite heart.  I have watched the backsliding, the seeking of your way, and it needs to come to an end.  I wish to restore you, to comfort, to lead, and to heal.  I want to offer you peace.  What I am offering to you will not be the fate of the wicked. 

     Let’s talk about your acts of worship, beginning with denying yourself (fasting).  You are doing this with a wrong spirit, and because of that, it is meaningless, worthless.  It will not make your voice heard.  It is a day to humble yourself, and when you do this, I will loosen the shackles that bind you to sin.  I will break it’s hold on you.  If your spirit were humbled, you would recognize the needs around you, the hungry, the homeless, the ones without resources to even cloth themselves.  As you serve those needs, your light will shine before men.  I will heal you, and your righteousness will be recognized.  Then when you call on My name, I will hear you. 

     Stop judging one another.  I wish to guide you, to satisfy you, and to make you strong.  I will rebuild what has fallen apart (your ruins).  You shall be called ‘a repairer’ and ‘a rebuilder.’  Turn back and honor me with your Sabbaths.  You’ve taken my day of rest and converted into a day of seeking your pleasures.  Stop it!  Take delight in Me instead.  I will care for you, and you will soar! 

     It is not impossible for me to do things on your behalf, but your sins have created a separation between you and Me.  When living in this way, you cannot see Me, and you cannot hear Me, and I will not hear you.  There is no justice, only lawlessness.  Here are things that reveal the corrupt nature of man’s heart.  (a)  You cover yourself up, but not with clothing, (b)your works produce undesirable results, (c) your feet run to evil, (d) your thoughts are leading you to desolation and destruction, (e) the roads you travel are crooked and they lead to nowhere good, (f) you hope for light, but only see darkness, (g) you are blind and stumble, (h)you are like dead people and sound like animals in My ear (growling and moaning), (i) your sins multiply and testify against you, (j)  you deny that I am LORD, and (k) you’ve turned your back on Me.

     Therefore, the justice and righteousness you seek are not available to you.  There is no truth to be found.  If you depart from this path you are on, you will see that it makes you easy prey to the flesh; however, that is why I’ve sent my righthand man, Jesus, to be your Savior and your Redeemer.  For those who turn from their sinful path, I will pour My Spirit upon you.  I will put My Words eternally in your mouth.  It will be good for your children and your children’s children, I promise!  And My Promises will stand throughout eternity.

Your Turn:

     As you read this passage found in Isaiah 57–59, you may want to try your hand at recounting what God has said.  For me, it was such a devotion changer.  I could feel the Holy Spirit restoring my soul this morning and renewing my mind.  Be blessed.


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