Lessons Learned - Handling Disappointment
I watched the Middle School Ministry video that was prepared for my youngest daughter as I sat beside her this morning. We discussed what the passage found in 1 John 2 meant for her. I cherished watching my daughter take a greater interest in her Bible theses past two weeks as we’ve been shut inside while many things in our world are difficult to understand right now. My daughter’s youth minister talked about how we observe what we read in the Bible and how that helps us draw a personal application from the passage. He indicated that as he was reviewing this passage, his mind wandered. He found himself skimming over the surface and not finding anything to take away from it. Then he decided to read it again, pausing, looking at specific words, and trying to get the message inside his heart. We all can attest to experiences like this when reading the Bible. As he began to look into the meaning of certain wo...