Small Refusals Might Negate Rewarding Assignments

     In the past few days, I’ve been reading the account of God speaking to Moses about an assignment that God wanted him to do.  Yesterday I took notice of the many excuses that Moses made telling God why he could not serve him in this way.  See below:

·       Exodus 3:11 (ESV) - But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” 
·       Exodus 4:1 (ESV) - Then Moses answered, “But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my voice, for they will say, ‘The Lord did not appear to you.’ 
·       Exodus 4:10 (ESV) - But Moses said to the Lord, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I am slow of speech and of tongue.” 
·       Exodus 4:13 (ESV) - But he said, “Oh, my Lord, please send someone else.” 
Moses all but begged God to reconsider the assignment.  God did not.

     Today as I continue to read this account in Exodus, I see Moses persisting in his resistance.  He is not climbing aboard with God.      

·       Exodus 6:12 (ESV) - But Moses said to the Lord, “Behold, the people of Israel have not listened to me. How then shall Pharaoh listen to me, for I am of uncircumcised lips?” 
·       Exodus 6:30 (ESV) - But Moses said to the Lord, “Behold, I am of uncircumcised lips. How will Pharaoh listen to me?” 
How patiently God dealt with Moses.  In this account, Moses’ hesitancy does not deter God insistence that he has been chosen for this assignment.  God continues to direct Moses as if he had not just resisted God’s assignment once more.  I find it fascinating to see Moses still focused on his lack, while God has no shortage of solutions.  Aaron will speak for you.  Here's what you can do with your staff. This is where you will find Pharaoh; He will respond to you in this manner.  When he does, do this.  How could it be that Moses was not buying into God's plan?  I surmise Moses had become comfortable with his life in the wilderness.  He could not envision returning to Egypt.  
     God allowed Moses to ask questions.  God was willing to provide all the details in advance.  God made clear that His ultimate goal was to be known.  There would be no room for doubt who God was in the minds of the Israelite's, the Egyptians, nor Pharaoh.  Moses was failing to see that he was the vessel through which God would work.  Moses was paralyzed with thoughts of inadequacy.  God was trying to help Moses understand that it was not through his own power and might that God would accomplish His will.    It was not through Moses worthiness or skill, but through God's.  How important is it that we also understand that God produces His own glory, we don't create it for Him.  When we question our abilities, we underestimate what God hopes to accomplish through us.  

     As I signed onto my social media account this morning, I was greeted by a 3-year-old memory.  Social media has a way of reminding us of the good stuff we've been a part.  How many of us share things we just as soon not remember?  God gave me a glimpse of my 'Moses' assignment.  It was much smaller in scope to what God assigned Moses, but then again, I am not Moses.  I had no idea how far God wished to stretch me, but I am thankful I said, 'yes.'

     Here is my posted memory: 

Today was a great day for gathering gently used shoes from our donation drop off locations.  It is very important that we do not lose steam.  17 Days and counting to reach our goal.  I want to see who might step up and commit to knocking on their neighbor’s door and ask a very personal question, "Do You Have Shoes?"   It is pretty much given that we all have shoes.  Conversations I've had indicated we have way more shoes than we sometimes desire but haven't gotten around to clearing them from our space.  You would actually be doing them a favor if you said, I will swing by in the next few days and gather any shoes you no longer want.  If anyone asks what type of footwear we are gathering, tell them everything from slippers to flip flops to cleats and high heels.  We ask that you only give us pairs, singles shoes aren't useful. 

Please respond to this message if you would be willing to ask a half dozen or so people to help you gather shoes to help us.  We are grateful for each and every pair we receive.  We even pray over them.  Let me know if you need a list of donation locations; they are numerous.  If any questions arise regarding why or what will happen with the shoes, please check out our Facebook page "Encounter Project - Take a Walk in My Shoes" for inspiration.  With much gratitude, 

     I remember this project like it was yesterday.  God graciously allowed me to organize and lead a project that was far bigger than anything I had accomplished outside of my employment.  God wanted to show me how to be a vessel, to watch Him at work as He opened doors that I could not open.  He built a team around me knowing that one could not do this alone.  God taught me not to absorb glory for myself, but to work as one would work for the King of Kings.  I had never been involved in a project like this that had both a giving and a receiving component.  We gathered shoes to give away; while receiving funds to support a community cause,  The project was to last 3 months, but God allowed the project to remain open until He accomplished His Will; we gathered 5,200 pair of shoes.  With similarities to the Biblical account, in Chapter 8 we read that the magicians exclaimed to Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God." (Exodus 8:19, ESV), we too had no doubt that we had observed the Hand of God.    

     Although I knew that we were embarking on a sizeable undertaking, I had no idea what would be required to complete the task.  Collecting, sorting, matching, stooping, and tying shoe laces for 5,200 pairs of shoes was daunting.  Counting, loading fifty pairs per bag, lifting, and reloading them into a minivan to transport them to storage was back-breaking.  Most of my bending and lifting would be accomplished while suffering from multiple kidney stones that I would become aware of at a later date.  I assumed I had strained a muscle.  God would not allow spiritual warfare to be the excuse that would hinder the outcome.    

     Transporting bags from one location to another, storing them in a temporary storage facility that was graciously donated, and then finding willing volunteers to load them onto a semi-truck during an extremely cold polar vortex (minus nine degrees Fahrenheit, even greater wind chill) was beyond my imagination of what God hoped to accomplish.  Many local business, dozens of churches, and schools provided drop off locations and communication that resulted in an amazing collection of shoes.  Momentary disappointments when doors closed that we had anticipated would be open, gave us the opportunity to see that it was not because of us, but because of God that we would reach our goal.  I now understand the exhilaration one feels when recognizing that God is behind all the intricate details.  

     When a project seems to be well beyond one’s capacity to perform, it is important to recognize our willingness and God's worthiness is what creates success.  Like Moses who was chosen to be a vessel for honorable use, God chooses us too.  How easy is it for us to resist, like Moses, rather than become involved?   There are many things we are willing to accomplish in our own strength.  But when we allow God to show us the real power we can access through Him, there is no comparison.  I've resisted assignments for various reasons, and I've circled around and accepted assignments that I once refused.  In every circumstance of submission, I have received blessings far greater than I could have imagined.  God blesses us in many ways.  I recognize the beautiful relationships that I have gathered along the way, that I would have never known outside of obedience.  

     As you read this short article today, I hope that you recognize that God is calling you to do something for His glory.  I hope that in sharing this memory, I encourage you to stop resisting and do what God is asking you to do.  If this article causes you to think about an assignment that you’ve left unfinished or one that you have previously refused to do, please encourage others by saying, “Thy Will Be Done, Lord” in the comment section below. 


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