Hope - Near or Far?
The Bible Gives Hope There’s so much more than meets the eye; my assignment this past week was to teach a lesson of hope in Sunday School. The focus of our lesson found in the thirty-seventh chapter of Ezekiel was to reveal how the Bible gives hope to people. Armed with only a half-hour and twenty-eight verses, I felt boxed in by the boundaries established by this lesson plan. It was like picking up a storybook, opening to the third chapter, and reading a couple of pages, and explaining the relevance of the complete story. I love research, so the boundaries don’t fence me in. If I would have let the lesson alone prepare me to teach, I would have missed a better application for the children. The thirty-seventh chapter of Ezekiel takes place in the latter days of Ezekiel’s prophetic utterances and involves two short stories, one involving dry bones and the other invol...