Another Creation Story - Disciple
Every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. The Bible is no different, but the Bible isn’t just another story or collection of stories. The Bible represents our hope, but it is often ignored. Whether spoken through the Prophets or revealed in a written format, this has been a problem throughout the ages, ignoring the Word of God. Maybe you struggle with finding time to pick up your Bible at regular intervals to see what God wishes to reveal to you. Perhaps you are using a daily devotional, a podcast, or even a blog post as a substitute, rather than delving directly into the Word of God. I am excited that this month, I am revisiting one of my favorite accounts of history, one that is worthy of my eyes to see again and again. It is the one that seems to influence my resolve to act in faith. It moves my faith from head knowledge to the pages of this blog. It is the motivation...