Am I Listening
God has illuminated many passages for my ears this week. Since our Scriptures are now in written form (for our eyes), what once referenced our listening skills, now includes our vision. I hope that makes sense by the time you read this article. The most prominent lesson I received this week was listen and act upon it. Although Revelations was not the path that my daily reading plan took me this week, I recently attended an End Times Conference at my church and marveled at God's timing that allowed me to pass through the prophecies found in Daniel and Revelations this month. With new information, I needed to pass through these Scriptures again. Specifically in reading Revelation 2 and 3, I observed this message given to the seven churches in Asia Minor. These seven churches existed at the time John was writing the book of Revelations. Repeated seven times, “ He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the c...